New Years Resolutions

Well welcome to 2019. Let's journey back. Was 2018 everything you thought it would be? Was it that epic-ly successful, mind-blowingly amazing year that you thought it would be 52 weeks ago?

Mine wasn't. 
I mean no offense to 2018 but it was ridiculous in ways that were less than ideal. 

So, let's level up.
I have no problem making big goals for the new year. The trick is, and my brother-in-law chatted with me about this last night, that you cannot be successful if you are coming at it from a place of hatred or self-loathing or failure. You will only be successful if you are coming from a place of fulfillment. 

Let that sink in for a moment. Are you EVER able to lose weight if you come at it from a place of self-hate? Have you ever been able to read more books when you are mentally discouraged that you don't have the time? Has there ever been a moment as a mother when you have achieved a peaceful opportunity to teach your child when you were frustrated with their inability to listen to simple instructions and your own impatience?

When our minds are in turmoil they are far less capable than if they are at peace. 
Internal peace does not have to mean complacency. It doesn't mean that you can't look forward to the future and be setting monumental goals. What it means, is that you must look forward to the future and plan for it but come at it from a place of happiness and comfort with where you are. Distress will get you nowhere. Love is what creates change.

Okay, so the first thing you have to do is be happy with where you are. Recognize your reality as an integral part of your journey and not a hurdle to be overcome. From THERE you can move forward.

So, once you're in a positive head space you can focus on the future. 

An Exercise in Fulfillment.
This is a great way to get the hubs involved in goal setting. 
It takes a maximum 
of 3 minutes and it involves numbers.

We did a little exercise yesterday from my brother-in-law that I found helpful. 
You instinctively rate your fulfillment in various areas of your life with a score from 1-10. 
1. community life
2. love relationship
3. intellectual life
4. skills
5. career
6. friendships 
7. creative life
8. environment
9. health and fitness
10. spiritual life
11. adventures
12. family life

Once you rate your fulfillment in these areas instinctively, you take the bottom three areas and put those as an area of focus for the following year. The theory behind this exercise is that if you identify the areas where you scored lower and you increase your fulfillment in those areas, you increase the fulfillment you feel in your overall life. 

How To Set Major Resolutions
Okay. Let's be real. Every year I set the same resolution to lost X amount of weight.
Sometimes it is the same number and sometimes it is different but the goal is always the same.
This year I have figured out how to set the same goal but in a different way. 

If you break down your resolutions into more achievable and realistic steps, they are far more likely to get accomplished.

Why it has taken me thirty years to understand this I don't know. Not the brightest crayon in the box over here. But in all my pearly wisdom here it is.

I want to lose weight. Like, a lot of weight. I am extremely unhealthy and not taking care of my body at this current juncture. HOWEVER, the enormous goal of "Lose 50 Pounds" though it may be an excellent long-term goal, is only achievable if I break it down into achievable short-term segments.
I take my large goal and divide it into monthly installments.

Long story short, look at your life and 
what works for you. 
Make a big goal and break it down from there.

Long Term Goal:                                                                            Breakdown:
Lose X Amount of weight                                 Find an form of exercise you ENJOY and do it daily
Read more books                                                      Set aside time or carry a book in my diaper bag
Take more pictures with your kids                                                   Leave your camera on your table
Spend quality time with my kids                                               Read a book with my kids before bed
Be more positive                                                             Buy a notebook and keep a gratitude journal
Improve family relationships               Schedule Sunday Facetimes or send everyone a birthday card
Be better at budgeting                                      Order groceries online and don't go over a set amount
Go on more dates with your spouse                   Schedule date nights weekly/monthly ahead of time
Stop drinking soda                                                                                  Drink a gallon of water daily
Eat healthier                                                                                         Start using a food tracking app
Make more family meals                                                                         Make a family meal calendar
Make new friends                                                 Volunteer at PTA, church group or join a book club
Try something new                                                  Take a bucket list item and put it on the calendar

Take courage from where you are and use it to get where you are going. Make a goal and break it down so you can achieve it! Use 2019 as the year to LIVE INTENTIONALLY and become MORE of who you already are. Don't be different. Just be you. The You that you were meant to be.


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