This Is Us

Hi. I am Kristi. I am a million different things but mostly I am a wife and mother, a stylist, and a decorator. Welcome to my world.

Let me cut right to the chase- I never wanted to run a blog. I started a blog a hundred years ago in college when it was brand new and even though I have been in the Instagram space for five years, I always resisted the idea of being a "blogger". I don't have any problem with anyone who blogs but a huge part of me kept waiting for the next big thing. Blogging seemed like the ancient way of doing things and I didn't want to invest the time into creating a space that would soon be obsolete.

And yet here we are.

Blogging isn't going anywhere. And neither am I. So, welcome to the space where I can share with you what it's like in the life of me and spread whatever information I come across so that you can have help in the life of you.

Gillian's dress from Tate and Adele
My dress from Roolee


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